I am doing on the 2nd August 2015, the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100, this is a 100-mile timed event designed as a personal challenge. I have paid for my own entry fee and travel/board so that all money raised will go straight to Little Bridge House.
Corey is my nephew and I am so proud of how he handled everything in his life, please when you donate put a time you think I will complete the race in and then I will donate £50 to a charity of your choice to the closest time.. Thank you James.
Well guys I completed the race in 4 hours and 38 minutes :) thank you to everyone who has donated and supported me,
Race time!
1st July 2015
So I have my race start time confirmed at 06.02 having to get there for 05.15, thank you all for your donations, I'm really hoping too get to £500 before the race :)